Career Coaching

Career coaching, commonly known as career guidance / counselling, is an invaluable tool in arming teenagers and young adults with accurate, valid and reliable information that empowers them to make informed decisions about subject choices at school, which tertiary institution of learning to attend and, ultimately, their future career.

Our process involves a thorough interview of emergent career themes and related topics that have manifested throughout the persons development. This information is augmented by a biographical questionnaire and psychometric questionnaires focussing on personality and vocational interest. All the information is then presented back to the candidate and his / her parents in a conversational style to allow for candid questioning and interrogation of the various options presented by the data.

NOTE:   The service is not limited to teenagers  or young adults. Should you want to make a transition in your later career, we can tailor a specific intervention to address the individual development issues you want to tackle.