Coaching in the organisation

The characteristics of coaching in the organisation are:

  • It consists of one-to-one developmental discussions aimed at specific issues/areas.
  • It provides people with feedback on both their strengths and development areas.
  • It is a relatively short-term activity, except in executive coaching, which tends to have a longer timeframe.
  • It focuses on improving performance and developing/enhancing individual’s skills, essentially a non-directive form of development.
  • Coaching activities have both organisational and individual goals.
  • It assumes that the individual is psychologically healthy and does not require a clinical intervention.

Performance Coaching is powerful because it helps us to removedifficulties, to focus on what can be done. This is why managers who coach effectively are capable of influencing positive change and in doing so experience breakthrough performance on every level: personally and professionally, for their employees, teams and their organisation.